Faculty team

Inspiring Minds: Meet AHSS’s Expert Educators

Faculty Directory

PhD in Social and Gender Studies, Institute for Social and Humanities Research, University “Euro-Balkan” – Skopje, Macedonia
Master of Business Administration (MBA) – General Management, School of Business Economics and Management, University American College Skopje (UACS) – Skopje, Macedonia
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (Certificate in Refugee Studies) and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Certificate in Psychology), Webster University Geneva – Geneva, Switzerland

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Venara Krliu

Management and Business and Entrepreneurship Teacher

Aleksandra has an extensive advertising experience as a copywriter for more or less 20 years. She has been a part of the creative departments of several advertising and marketing agencies in the country, working on the creative concepts for many local, regional and international brands. She has written countless commercials, slogans, headlines, taglines and even a few obituaries. She has also written and published several critical theory texts and analyses in literary magazines, but times are tough for theory lovers. She has also worked as a book editor, translator and author in the publishing agency Ars Lamina and is exceptionally proud on the books she edited.

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Aleksandra Simova Klincharova

Head of Community Relations

Eleanor Parsons is a Professor in the Philosophy Department at Estudiar University. Her research interests include decision theory, social choice theory, epistemology, ethics, and the philosophy of religion. Her book Risk and Rationality (2013) concerns how an individual ought to take risk into account when making decisions. It vindicates the ordinary decision-maker from the point of view of even ideal rationality.


Александра Кираца

Lecturer in Philosophy

Vera Hadji-Pulja has been working as a philosophy educator in both higher and secondary education for the past 10 years. Her research is within the phenomenological school of thought, and her themes of interest center around so-called “limit-problems”, modified experiences in general (and in the context of new technologies more specifically), as well as the intersection of phenomenology and qualitative research in the empirical sciences. She has taken part in many conferences and has published several articles in both local and international journals.

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Vera Hadji-Pulja

Philosophy, Logic and Ethics Teacher

Mathematics teacher since 2011, mentor to many students that have participated in
international mathematics competitions (IMO, EGMO, etc.). Trifun Karaevski has been a part of the American High School Skopje faculty since 2023. With over 13 years of teaching and mentoring experience he specializes in international competition preparation. Before joining the AHSS team, Trifun taught in Yahya Kemal College and worked individually.

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Trifun Karaevski

Mathematics Teacher

Stanisha is the first Macedonian student (post-independence) to have studied at Harvard University. He holds a B.A. degree in joint concentration in Physics and Astronomy & Astrophysics and has almost two decades of educational experience as a high school teacher in state and private schools in Macedonia. At the end of their four years at AHSS, Stanisha says that he will be a bit happier if he can make students appreciate nature and its workings and “see the world through eyes that know physics.”

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Stanisha Veljkovikj

Physics and Mathematics Teacher

уметник и професор, дипломиран на Факултетот за ликовни уметности, Скопје, 1991 г. Има одржано повеќе самостојни изложби и учествувано на повеќе групни изложби и колонии. Добитник е на повеќе награди, меѓу кои најзначајните се: награда за најдобар портрет 2004 – ДЛУМ и награда за вајарство „Јордан Грабул“ 2013 г. Од 2013 до 2015 г. бил Претседател на Друштвото на ликовни уметници на Македонија (ДЛУМ).  Сака да пешачи низ неистражените предели и планини во Северна Македонија.

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Sergej Damovski

Art Teacher

Ms. Sandra Grujevska holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature, and a Master’s Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy. She is MAQS Inspector for
English as a Second Language and certified Communication Trainer. She is also active
participant and motivational speaker on many international and domestic conferences
regarding language methodology and pedagogy. She has been teaching English, and
Macedonian for Foreigners for 20 years now, and she uses methods that develop students
into creative, knowledgeable, communicative and caring young people.

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Sandra Grujevska

IBDP English Language and Literature Teacher

Petar has been an integral part of the American High School Skopje faculty since 2023. He is a dedicated licensed psychologist with extensive experience in both educational and clinical settings. His background includes roles as a psychology teacher, educational assistant, and psychologist at the Clinic of Oncology Skopje and the Clinic of Neurology Skopje. These experiences have provided him with a deep understanding of human
behavior and mental processes. In addition to his formal education, Petar is a Psychodrama Psychotherapist under supervision, allowing him to incorporate creative therapeutic techniques to foster personal growth and emotional well-being among students. Additionally, he has completed specialized education in clinical neuropsychology and neuropsychological diagnostics.

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Petar Daneski

School Psychologist

Teacher Pane Perunovski has been a part of AHSS since its inception and continues to tirelessly and exceptionally contribute to our school’s growth. In his 13 years of teaching experience, he has climbed many peaks and survived many storms. Tectonics is his great passion. The first person to call in case of an earthquake. He has published several science papers and course books.
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Pane Perunovski

Geography Teacher

Teacher Natasha is ambitious, easy adaptable, with a positive attitude and strong interpersonal skills. She is highly responsible and reliable, self-directed with an ability to lead and motivate others, honest and reliable with high sense of loyalty.16 years of experience as chemistry teacher in Macedonian and in English.
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Natasha Stavrevska

Chemistry Teacher

Strong expertise in educational system reforms and youth policies advancement. Involvement in the strategic development process and contribution in numerous government led strategy and policy development processes. Co-authored, relevant to the thematic expertise, various policy documents, reports and publications.

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Natasha Angjeleska

IB DP Psychology Teacher, Pedagogue

Andonovski has been working in both formal and informal education since 2015. He is
known for teaching Macedonian language and literature, as well as Drama. As a founder
of “Theatre for everyone” – association for theatre education and production, he has
taught Drama to both high school students and teachers, as well as to adults.

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Milosh Andonovski

Academic coordinator and Macedonian language and literature teacher

Maja is our English teacher. She joined the AHSS team in 2022. She graduated English language and literature and is certified both as a teacher and translator. Despite being a teacher for nearly 10 years, Maja has been working on different types of translations such as: literary, legal, television, technical…

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Maja Trajkovska

English Language Teacher

After graduating college, Kristiana started her career working as a molecular biologist in different medical institutions, and later on enrolled into University to get her Master’s degree. Throughout her education, she has published a couple of scientific papers
focusing on diabetes and its potential treatment and has worked as a teaching assistant
teaching various subjects.

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Kristiana Shijakova

Biology teacher

Kimo Chavdar PhD has an extensive working experience, starting from Junior assistant in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to Expert associate in the Appellate Court Skopje, Head of the section in Appellate Court Skopje, public attorney of the Republic of Macedonia – Deputy of the Public attorney of Republic of Macedonia, all the way to Manager in the legal department and regulatory affairs at Makedonska Banka AD-Skopje. He has been an integral part of the University American College Skopje since 2009. With over 15 years of teaching experience, he specializes in obligation law and trade law. He is also attorney at law and founder of the “Chavdar” law office.

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Kimo Chavdar

Introduction to Law Teacher

Graduated from Berklee College of Music in Boston, the largest independent college of contemporary music in the world. Jani Kosturski worked as orchestra and choir director at Mountain View Middle School and RISD elementary schools to bring orchestral education to the students in New Mexico. He is a multitalented musician who plays dozen of instruments, teaches piano, guitar, singing and music in general, he directed musicals and theater plays for the Roswell Off-Broadway Theatre and enjoys performing with his jazz band in his free time.

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Jani Kosturski

Music Art, Band and Choir teacher

Dr. Filip Petkovski has been with the American High School Skopje faculty since 2021, upon his return from his Ph.D. studies in Los Angeles. Dr. Petkovski has worked as a Teaching Fellow at the Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance, The Department of Art History, and The Slavic Studies Department at UCLA from 2016 to 2021. He has given guest lectures at University St. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Goce Delchev University in Shtip, The University of Arts in Belgrade, and Roehampton University in London.

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Filip Petkovski

TOK and CAS Teacher and Coordinator

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, BA in Computer Science and Automatics.

In addition to her research interests in the field of programming and programming languages, as well as software development tools for 3D modeling and website design, Daniela Sandeva is also very skilled in making various handcrafts such as knitted jewelry and bags. In her spare time, she also likes to read and expand his knowledge. She is a great baker too!

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Daniela Sandeva

Teacher of Computer Science, IT, Programming Languages and IB DP Digital Society

As one of the latest members of our team, Bojana has over 9 years of experience in the matters of Law, with specialization in Corporate Law. Before joining us, she worked as Legal Generalist in corporative environment and after that, as Head of Unit for support of the bodies at the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors. She also worked briefly as a Student Admission Coordinator, which she considers as an unusual, but very valuable work experience.

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Bojana Kuzmanovska Krstevska

Secretary General

Bojana Janeva-Shemova has been an integral part of the American High School Skopje for two years (2019-2021). She is curator at the Department of Education and Museum Guides at the Museum of Contemporary Art-Skopje; founder of the exhibition tours initiative “The Newest Normal”, for which she was awarded the ICOM-Macedonia prize in 2022; secretary of the Association of Art Critics, Art Historians and Curators (AICA); and member of the Association of Tour Guides in North Macedonia. Her portfolio is full of notable achievements in the field of audience building through her work as a museum guide and in organizing educational tours.

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Bojana Janeva-Shemova

Exploring Contemporary Art Teacher

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, BA in Computer Science and Automatics.

In addition to her research interests in the field of programming and programming languages, as well as software development tools for 3D modeling and website design, Daniela Sandeva is also very skilled in making various handcrafts such as knitted jewelry and bags. In her spare time, she also likes to read and expand his knowledge. She is a great baker too!

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Aneta Simovska

Lecturer of Italian language

Andrija Popovski has been а part of the American High School Skopje since 2018. He is a high-performing teacher who has developed a responsible approach to any task with 6 years’ experience in Sociology of education. Also experienced in political sociology and a firm believer in equal access to education for all students. Excellent in working with other teachers, enabling students to unlock their potential and achieve more.

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Andrija Popovski

Sociology Teacher

Ms. Ana Trajkovska holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature, a degree certificate in Spanish Language and Literature, a Teaching Certificate from the Faculty of Pedagogy, Skopje, and a certificate from the University Library, Skopje. She is also a member of the IBO organization, and holds a certificate for Language Acquisition in IB, IB Spanish Ab Initio and the Middle Years Program (MYP). She has been teaching English, Spanish and Macedonian for Foreigners for 20 years now, and she uses methods that develop students into inquiring, knowledgeable, confident and caring young people.

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Ana Trajkovska

IB DP Coordinator

Ana has a B.A. in General and Comparative Literature, Cyril and Methodius University Skopje. With over 10 years of experience in the Macedonian literary scene, teacher Ana is a vital part of the newer generation of female authors and has been part of important literary and linguistic events. She enjoys creating a public space for presenting the Macedonian language and its characteristics and creating new words and phrases. She is the author of six published books, three poetry collections and three children’s books. Currently working on the next one. For the last 4 years, she has been an active mentor of children’s and youth workshops for literature, reviewer, editor and associate for publishing houses.

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Ana Golejshka Djikova

Macedonian Language and Literature teacher