Bojana Kuzmanovska Krstevska

Personal Information
Bojana Kuzmanovska Krstevska, LLM
Secretary General

Professional Experience
As one of the latest members of our team, Bojana has over 9 years of experience in the matters of Law, with specialization in Corporate Law. Before joining us, she worked as Legal Generalist in corporative environment and after that, as Head of Unit for support of the bodies at the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors. She also worked briefly as a Student Admission Coordinator, which she considers as an unusual, but very valuable work experience.

Interests / Hobbies / Goals
All she wanted to do as a child was to draw and watch fashion shows, so fashion illustration is her choice for expressing creativity in her free time. She also enjoys visiting libraries and bookstores and getting lost in the magical world of books.

Fun facts
Slightly obsessed with The Nutcracker Ballet.