Professional Development

Elevating Educators: Continuous Growth at AHSS

Our school is truly dedicated to its team of people and the environment they work in, making sure everyone gets to improve on a personal, professional and career level, in order to thrive and grow. As part of that, we are constantly creating opportunities for our employees to enrich their knowledge and expertise, gain new skillsets and competences, introduce new approaches and methodologies, and continually learn more.

Investing in Excellence

AHSS’s Commitment to our Team’s Professional Growth

Our professional development practice is based on the belief that everyone’s personal goal is to improve through learning and training, and the belief that everyone is passionate about moving forward in their career, as the best way to improve confidence and add credibility. 

Continuous professional development allows us to make more meaningful contributions to our community and to become more effective at our school. Also, our professional development program is our way to express how much we value the work of teachers and how committed we are to their growth.

AHSS strongly supports continuous professional development for the teachers, as well as the administration, by providing a yearly budget for various programs and trainings, and by performance measurement. This includes various trainings, seminars, courses, conferences, but also MA/MSc and PhD studies at the University American College Skopje.
  • Safety and health training, June 2022
  • Conflict management and communication training, March 2023
  • Peer violence at school workshop, August 2023
  • First aid drill, December 2023
  • Transformative Teaching: Empowering Teachers as Educators with Successful Strategies, Creative Activities, Fairness, and Constructive Communication series of workshops, February-March 2024
  • Personal data protection training, March 2024
  • Hate speech in online media, series of workshops and trainings
  • Dyslexia: Practical Side of the Science of Reading and Dyscalculia: Practical Solutions and Strategies
  • Mental Health Workshop for Transgender People
    Psychologists Congress: Contemporary Trends in
  • Psychology; organized by the Chamber of Psychologists of Macedonia
  • Sociometry: a gentle, inclusive and safe approach
  • Sociodrama workshop
  • Webinar on Neuropsychology and Neuroscience: From Clinical Practice to Science and Back
  • Workshop: Expressive Art Therapy 
  • Improving Adolescent Mental Health
  • Accredited Stress Management – Psychotherapy Exercises 
  • What is Bullying?

Advancing Careers with Higher Education Opportunities

The professional development program also offers its team academic advancement on a relevant master and doctoral program at the University American College Skopje, encouraging everyone to pursue a higher level of academic knowledge, research opportunities and contribution to society. 

Supporting Ambitions with Diverse Opportunities

The school also supports its team in their ambitions and aspirations for participation in other types of professional and personal endeavors, such as project work, contests and competitions, workshops and trainings, the RYCO Superschools Western Balkans School Exchange and other Erasmus+ related activities. The school also covers the training certified programs as required for the IB DP and other accreditation related professional development.