Code of Ethics

In line with the Mission and Vision of the American High School Skopje, we believe that education is substantial to navigating young people into mature adults, capable to step into the global societies of today. Ethics is key in this process, both for students and teachers. So, we would like to point out several aspects of our Code of Ethics by which we strongly abide.

Every student, teacher, and member of staff is obliged to act according to the AHSS Code of Ethics. This includes, but does not limit to, the following:

General guidelines

Respect and honor each other.
Restrain from any activity that can harm the establishment of the School and its integrity.
Any form of inappropriate behavior and harassment at the workplace or school premises is forbidden, discouraged, and disciplined. This includes, but is not limited to sexual harassment or sexually insulting behavior, harassment based on race, ethnicity, nationality, language, religion, sex/gender, skin color, and physical or cognitive differences. Any type of offensive language, discourse, humor, or other offensive content will be sanctioned.


Students are expected to follow their personal duties as best as possible.
Everyone is obliged to allow others freedom of mind and speak, listen, and reply carefully and mindfully, avoiding superior communication and lack of respect. Differences in opinions that might occur are expected to be resolved in goodwill, peacefully, rightfully, and patiently.
Students are allowed to express their individuality through their dressing style, however, they are expected to follow general guidelines of proper and polite behavior.


Teachers and members of staff are obliged to follow their personal duties and authorities as best as possible.

Teachers are expected to respect and honor the students while being impartial and objective in every part of their education.

Teachers are expected to nurture a high level of interpersonal communication in favor of the students and the curricula, in order to provide better learning conditions for every student and ensure individualized approach and assessment.

Everyone is obliged to guard the confidentiality of the data they are working with.
Any meeting between a teacher/member of staff with a student from the opposite sex/gender has to be held in the presence of the class master or a third person, in a public place, or in an office with an open door. Exams, where only one teacher and one student are present, are not allowed, regardless of the sex/gender of the students.
Any kind of presents, gifts, favors, discounts, services or any other valuable matters offered to teachers and members of staff in order to gain any type of privilege is strongly prohibited and sanctioned. The only exception is if the present is given publicly and has symbolic values, in which case, it is regarded as the property of the School and will be kept on the School premises.

Teachers are expected to improve and enhance their knowledge on a regular basis and be as efficient as possible in classes, dedicating a sufficient amount of time to both the students and to improving their personal education and competencies. The School actively supports programs and options dedicated to professional teacher development.


Parents and guardians of students are also expected to follow this Code of Ethics, especially in terms of respect for the work done by the teachers and members of staff.
Parents are expected to encourage and improve the fair relationship between the students and the teachers or other students.
Parents are expected to motivate students to work and follow teachers’ requirements.