Sergej Damovski

Personal Information
Sergej Damovski
Art Teacher  

уметник и професор, дипломиран на Факултетот за ликовни уметности, Скопје, 1991 г. Има одржано повеќе самостојни изложби и учествувано на повеќе групни изложби и колонии. Добитник е на повеќе награди, меѓу кои најзначајните се: награда за најдобар портрет 2004 – ДЛУМ и награда за вајарство „Јордан Грабул“ 2013 г. Од 2013 до 2015 г. бил Претседател на Друштвото на ликовни уметници на Македонија (ДЛУМ).  Сака да пешачи низ неистражените предели и планини во Северна Македонија.

Educational Background:   
– B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, University Cyrill and Methodius, Skopje 

Professional Experience:
Mathematics teacher since 2011, mentor to many students that have participated in
international mathematics competitions (IMO, EGMO, etc.). Trifun Karaevski has been a part of the American High School Skopje faculty since 2023. With over 13 years of teaching and mentoring experience he specializes in international competition preparation. Before joining the AHSS team, Trifun taught in Yahya Kemal College and worked individually.

Awards and Recognitions:  
– Multiple awards for mentoring students awarded by SMM (Union of Mathematicians in
Macedonia) between 2011 and 2024  

Professional Affiliations:  
– Member of the Union of Mathematicians in Macedonia (SMM)  

Interests / Hobbies / Goals
There is not much outside of the academic world for Trifun. He enjoys mathematics and
problem solving and continuously improves himself in competitive mathematics. Loves
to learn about history and fills his batteries while watching football.

Fun facts
Trifun knows how to cook onions in a dozen different ways while listening to 90’s punk
and ska.

Contact info:
[email protected]